

2012 was a biggie. I feel like the blog (which turns two today, yipee!) really found its voice in the past year. Posts slowed down from time to time. In part because I was busy, but also because I was following a pretty good blogging rule: only blog what you love. You don't have to do it everyday. Some days, you just won't find things that inspire you. And that's okay. Leave room for the things that will really wow you, and you can't go wrong. Here are some favorites from the year that was:

1. A great typography project...on an election year!
2. A year of Pink Fridays
3. Collages four ways
4. Some pretty spot-on branding
5. It's in the bag
6. Something for cat people
7. A good use of a really small space
8. Something bright
9. A little shameless cross-promotion
10. I was in the mood for moodboards
11. My favorite photo series of the year

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